Gen Y’s Resignation Letter to Bosses

in Management by Emily Snell

Gen Y’s Resignation Letter to Bosses

Gen Y’s Resignation Letter to Bosses

Dear Boss,

The time has come, dear Boss. I have decided to pack up my bags and call it a day here at the company. It was a good run, but we both know that it’s time for me to move on.

As I depart I want to share with you the reasons why I am leaving because they probably aren’t what you think. I also want to share with you a little bit more about my new endeavors as a solopreneur.

Before that, I want to thank you for the opportunity of working in your traditional, corporate office.

You see, my coworkers here at the company are great.  Every morning after clocking in, John, Suzie, and I drank coffee together at John’s desk, checked the latest Facebook gossip, and caught up about last night’s episode of the Bachelorette before we actually did any ‘real’ work. It was a great way to waste two hours before you finally arrived in the office around 10.

I’m also thankful that you never asked for personal feedback or input into department operations.  God knows that a lowly employee on the front lines like me never had valuable insights into how the company could help me work better.

My favorite thing about your traditional office was when I was done with my work at 2pm, but you made me sit there until 5pm. Or if you were having a good day and I wasn’t afraid to ask, you generously let me leave at 4:45pm. Your flexibility in wasting my time fit the old-school office template to a T.

And lastly, there were blue-jean Fridays. Whoever thought of that should get an award. Wearing jeans on Fridays was a great way to show your appreciation to us for our hard work, and it showed us what a cool company we were!

But as great as it was here in the office, I’ve decided to transition out and fly solo into entrepreneurship.

My transition from corporate life to solopreneur hasn’t been overnight.  In fact, I’ve been working on my transition for the past three to six months, working diligently on my business before and after work, and weekends. I have already duplicated my income on the side, ensuring me that I can pay rent next month. Officially quitting my corporate gig is the final piece to the transition.

As an entrepreneur, I’m able to be the boss: I work when I want and under my conditions. Unlike in your office, I am able to focus 90% of my energy on what I’m good at doing, and hire out the other  10% to somebody else. While this may sound like I work less, the reality is that I actually work way more than the “factory 40”, often from 6am until I go to bed. It doesn’t bother me though because I’m building my dream doing work that I love.

Working for myself has also proven to be more profitable than working for you. Because of my expertise, I can swiftly and professionally do work for my clients and not have to share the profits with you. This is more fun and it gives me more confidence in my retirement than banking on not-so-secure corporate retirement packages or crappy buyouts.

I can also work from anywhere so long as I have an Internet connection. Unfortunately, boss, you did not allow me this freedom, even though working from home would have eliminated overhead costs for you and would have provided me a quiet, distraction-free space from coworkers to focus on my work. Oh well!

All in all, I’m thankful for having worked for you. You made me realize that as a young person, I had to get out fast or else I would settle for mediocrity like a majority of the working American public.

Working for myself is fun, fulfilling, and profitable. Quitting is winning, and at this point it’s a no-brainer. Thank you for showing me why.


Generation Y

About the Author

Emily Snell

Emily is a contributing marketing author at where she regularly consults on content strategy and overall topic focus. Emily has spent the last 12 years helping hyper growth startups and well-known brands create content that positions products and services as the solution to a customer's problem.

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